Object Detection With Tensorflow

Quite some time ago I trained object detector AI

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On one cold winter day in July … that is in Australia … I felt urgent need to train AI model for detecting uncapped concrete reinforcement bars…

So I bought from local Bunnings some new shiny reo bars like these

concrete reinforcement bars

and bar safety caps like these

concrete reinforcement bar caps

Started with caps

Took a hundred photos of different compositions with these yellow reo bar caps, labelled in LabelImg, took some SSD model, then another EfficientNet did a bit of coding in Python- and model quickly picked up what I wanted of her.

reo bar cap - lh

reo bar cap - rh

initially model took almost all yellow cylindric objects as reo bar caps

coffee cap

And boundary boxes could be more precise…

Then bars came in

Took several other useful tools from the garage and took another hundred of photos like this, and model became better…

garage tools object detection

Definitely better

garage tools object detection

ai object detection training in the gerage

Mobile App

Finally trained a little SSD AI model to run on mobile phone without huge latency, created simple Android app and here how it looked like:

mobile phone ssd ai

mobile phone object detection

mobile tensorflow
